Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cell Tower Proliferation

This past summer we took an extended tour through France. As our bus rambled through the countryside I was quite amazed at the solemn beauty of it all. From quaint towns that are hundreds of years old to stunningly beautiful vineyards, farms and mountains, the scenery is inspiring. What we didn't find was even more amazing. There were no billboards, no roadside trash or litter, or more importantly no cell towers to proliferate the landscape.

I asked our tour director about such things. She told me that France had laws which protected the beauty of their countryside. Structures such as cell towers have to be integrated into the landscape in such a way that they are either invisible or inconspicuous. Antennas are often placed on water towers, barns, high buildings or on treed hilltops to conceal their appearance.

I know some States are more restrictive than others but here in Florida, cell tower proliferation has become a cancer. Towers that are extraordinarily ugly in appearance seem to be popping up at an alarming rate. Within a five mile radius of our home I can count at least five of these 200 foot abortions that have been erected within the last year.

Who to blame? Why our local and State government, of course who are obviously oblivious to such matters. However, laws or regulations that legislate aesthetic standards are often hard to defend. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so they say. Yet somewhere, somehow we ought to be able to legislate against ugliness.

I plan to pose the issue to my State Senator. I'd be interested to hear is take on this issue. Time will tell.

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